Dijkconcert: Nele Needs a Holiday

Saturday, November 16th, 20.30h

Nele (try to pronounce it as “naila” and you are getting close) Needs A Holiday is what Nele Van den Broeck
does if she feels like making music. She writes songs about “the tragedies of daily life”: about the boyfriend that
dumped you, about getting kicked out of art school, about creepy guys that are trying to get your telephone
number while you try to concentrate on waiting for the train, about waking up and only vaguely remembering
the dance moves you were inventing last night… Everytime something goes wrong in Neles life, she writes a song about it.
This results in songs like “Loser’s Twist”, “I Really Wish I Was A Bitch” and “I Love You But I Google Other People”.

The concert starts at 8:30 PM. Café De Ruimte opens at 6 PM. During the evening, Toko Tante Lies will serve Indonesian food (menus €6 and up).