Space is the Place: AY! (Marcucci/Martini/Di Gasbarro) + Gerri Jäger solo

Tuesday, February 23, 20:30, entrance € 7 / CvA € 5


Drummer Gerri Jäger will open up the evening with another tryout of his solo-project. He will combine composition elements with improvisation using a personal blend of synthesizers and electronics wired to his accoustic drums.

Born in Innsbruck (Austria) in 1979 Gerri picked up the drums when he was 9 years old. After some brass-band and grunge-rock teenage years he studied jazz at the Conservatories of Innsbruck (AT) and later in Amsterdam (NL), where he graduated in 2006. After being part of diverse groups from free-improvisation, alt-rock, experimental electronic club music and avant-pop he is interested in playing with different ways to expand boundaries in music and its genres. Current working bands include Knalpot, Knalpot Dub, Naked Wolf and Rooie Waas. Regular and irregular projects are Bakker, Goudsmit & Jäger, Bandwidth + Gerri Jäger, Raphael Vanoli’s Stolpernova, EKE, Franz Hautzinger’s Regenorchester XV, Natalio Sued’s Opositor, Whale Oil, Tuthola, Sgt. Fuzzy and his solo performance.

Gerri Jäger – Drums

“Three Italians in Hawaiian shirts who play an appealingly jerky mash­up of grindcore and samba” (The Guardian).

Three musicians from the experimental/jazzcore scene creating extemporary compositions where everything is allowed, as long as it’s done in the name of Afro-Latin music.

The trio consists of the rhythmsection of Squartet (Fabiano Marcucci on electric bass, Marco Di Gasbarro on drums) and Brussels based Daniele Martini on saxophone.

Crooked riffs that groove high, mariachi­like atonal reeds specials and polyrhythmic percussions layers drive you back and forth, from a Brazilian favela to the East­side of Rome, from Lagos to

Fabiano Marcucci – Bass guitar
Daniele Martini – Saxophone
Marco di Gasbarro – Drums