Space is the Place: DAIRY (Moor/Kyriakides/Williamson) -The Sound of Silence-

Saturday, February 6, 20:30, entrance €9 / CvA €6

Andy & Yannis Portrait photo Matias Corral

Dairy formed in 2003 in Amsterdam and comprises of: Andy Moor (guitar), Joe Williamson (bass), Steve Heather (drums), Yannis Kyriakides (electronics). The group was active for a number of years then took a long hiatus due to members moving to different parts of the world. In 2016 they will reunite to perform and record a number of projects. For this concert they will play as a trio.

For the Sound of Silence the quartet will perform to two avant-garde films from the mid 1920’s Paris qui Dort (Rene Clair) and Ménilmontant (Dimitri Kirsanoff). The Rene Clair film has been in their repetoire for over 10 years, and they have toured with it in Austria, Belgium and France. For this edition of the festival they will devise new music for Ménilmontant. Their approach to sound is visceral and hypnotic, developing and evolving lines over a long time span. In relation to film their soundworld envelops the narrative but does not follow it, they are more concerned with building a sonic architecture around it, that is multi-layered and emotive.

Andy Moor – Guitar
Yannis Kyriakides – Electronics
Joe Williamson – Double bass