Space is the Place: Rubatong

Saturday, April 9, 20:30, entrance € 10 / CvA 7

rubatong april


The delightful odd mix that makes up Rubatong consists of Han Buhrs (a vocal virtuoso), René van Barneveld (ex-guitarist of Urban Dance Squad), Luc Ex (ex-bassist of The Ex), and Tatiana Koleva (a classic schooled Bulgarian percussionist). To classify the music these musicians produce would be a mistake, but we’ll take that risk, and call Rubatongs sound something that wriggles between blues, Americana, rock, improvised music, and something from another planet. But forget all about that. Rubatong needs to be experienced without any classifications. Their music is filled with propulsive rhythms and rich melodies, which constitutes in the most engaging live performances.

Han Buhrs – Vocals
Thijs Elzinga – Guitar
Luc Ex – Bass
Tatiana Koleva – Vibraphone, percussion