OPENING WEEK Eddie & The Eagles: Available Jelly, FAUT HAUT and more…

Thursday, January 7, 21h – 1h, € 8, dinner served until 22h, entrance to the restaurant is free

Doek and Eddie the Eagle Museum present: Eddie and the Eagles.

A new place. A new place. A new place. Always moving forward. This almost sounds familiar. It is not the first time that we find De Ruimt at a new space. It’s not the first time we find the Eddie the Eagle museum at a new space. Amsterdam Noord?? Yes!!! With the city on our heels we travel ahead of time into the unknown. We get caught, move out and jump forward. Like the music. Like the art. Improvising. Celebrating! It will be a full house, so send an e-mail to if you want to make a reservation.

Michael Moore – alto sax, clarinet
Eric Boeren – cornet
Wolter Wierbos – trombone
Jacko Schoonderwoerd – bass
Michael Vatcher – drums
Tristan Honsinger – solo cello

Fail, fail again. fail better: We still don’t know exactly what it is that we’re doing, but it comforts us that if we did something that had been done a thousand times, it would be easier to frame it.